11 June 2013

So much of possessiveness ...

As predicted, that smile has not left FJ's face yet.

Not only that, he is so possessive over his 80kg+ gnu, I wanted to take it to a butcher to be broken down and the biltong sliced and the wors made but he was having none of that.   Sore strapped elbow and all, we were going to do all the work ourselves.    My rubber arm got twisted ...

It took all of Friday and most of Saturday, but it is with great satisfaction that we could stand back at the end and say with confidence, no butcher can be paid to go to as much trouble as we did, trimming the meat and lifting out the sinews before carefully checking the grain and slicing the meat.   It just wouldn't be fair.

As for FJ placing the slices perfectly so that the scattered spices would reach everywhere absolutely uniformly - you had to be there!

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